2050 celebrates: International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Women and girls play a critical role in science and technology. On 22 December 2015, the United Nations General Assembly decided to establish an annual International Day to recognize this, through Resolution A/RES/70/212. The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated every year since then on the 11th of February, and promotes equal access and participation of women and girls in science.

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Empower2050 Climate Group
The Leaders Network vision for a Scotland of 2050

2050 Climate Group were presented with an exciting opportunity to work with a design studio, AndThen. The project was to create a participatory vision of a climate positive Scotland. The project was carried out over Whatsapp in order to engage a wider number of people remotely. Although it was not planned to fit in with the pandemic, it worked perfectly and allowed us all to feel connected in uncertain times.

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The Updated Climate Change Plan: 2050 Climate Group is giving evidence, and we want you to help us shape our submission!

2050 Climate Group has been invited to give evidence on the updated Climate Change Plan to the Scottish Parliament’s Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform Committee. All our policy work is directly based on the views of young people and the 2050 Leaders Network, and our policy team are keen to hear what you think so we can incorporate it into our response.

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