Empowering young people to take action on climate change

Our Vision

Young people from all backgrounds across Scotland are empowered to become active citizens, taking the lead in tackling the climate emergency and advocating for a just transition in their communities, their workplaces and in political spaces.


What we do

Since 2014, 2050 Climate Group has been working to empower Scotland’s Young Leaders to lead action on tackling our climate crisis.

We believe today’s young people are crucial to building a fairer, more sustainable future. We are instilling a sense of responsibility in Scotland’s future leaders, equipping them with the skills and knowledge that they require to collectively lead Scotland in the transition to a just and sustainable society.

Our areas of focus

Skills and Understanding We equip young people with the skills and understanding they need to grow and to become leaders

Community We’re building a community of young people supporting each other to make a difference

Voice We empower young people to find and use their voice in order to influence policy and to help shape the climate conversation



How we work

We are a youth-led and volunteer-driven organisation with over 70 volunteers based across Scotland

Our committed Board of Trustees focuses on the strategic aims of our charity while developing new, exciting opportunities with partners in Scotland and abroad. Our amazing Operational Volunteers are responsible for developing and delivering our core work. Our dedicated Staff Team are responsible for the day-to-day running of 2050 Climate Group.


 EQUALITY, Diversity and Inclusion

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion is important to us.

Climate Leaders come from all backgrounds, all walks of life and have different lived experiences. We want everyone to feel welcomed, supported and represented as we work together to create a just and sustainable society. We know there are barriers to participating in climate action and we are working together to dismantle them. We will keep learning, reflecting and challenging ourselves along the way.


 Our strategic vision

Our Board of Trustees oversee our strategic plans.

Together with our inspiring volunteer subgroups and small (but mighty) staff team, our Board have developed our 2023-2026 strategic plan with a focus on diverse participation.

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Our awards

Every award we receive reinforces our determination to achieve our vision





who we work with

We work with funders, partners and supporters across the public, private and third sector


support us

As a charity, we rely on donations, fundraising and volunteer time to continue to do what we do

With more funding and support, we will be able to expand our work to create more opportunities for young people, and embed youth leadership in cross-sector action on climate action

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