How can young people have a positive impact in your organisation? Empower2050 Climate Group16 October 2018YLDP, Leaders Network
Guest blog: Rosie Watson's response to the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 degrees Empower2050 Climate Group12 October 2018Leaders Network
We won the Young Pioneers Award at the Herald Global Game Changers Awards 2018! Empower2050 Climate Group13 September 20182050 Climate Group
Our Response to Developing an Environment Strategy for Scotland Empower2050 Climate Group21 August 2018Policy
Our Response to the Energy Efficient Scotland Consultation Enable2050 Climate Group29 July 2018Policy
Reflections from the 2018 Youth Climate Summit: 3 months late(r) Empower, Equip2050 Climate Group28 July 2018Summit